The main purpose of the article is to highlight the main tasks of planning the board meeting agenda, highlighting the analysis of the system of software.
Information Technology and Board Meeting Agenda
The introduction of information technology in modern society at the institutional level requires a change in methods and organizational forms of board meetings agenda. In other words, the use of information technologies, in particular, online services in the learning process, requires attention, so changes are needed when the use of the latest ICTs becomes a constant source of both personal and social modernization. These technologies allow to set and solve much more complex and extremely important tasks of pedagogy – the tasks of intellectual development, analytical, critical thinking, creativity, independence in the accumulation of knowledge, working with different sources of information. In contrast to the usual technical means of training.
The use of board meeting agenda creates conditions for providing the educational process with the quality of continuity through the technological integration of classroom and extracurricular activities in the system of blended learning. In the modern information society, the mastery of the latest means of information culture in accordance with the level of the modern development of information technology, which actualizes the problem of improving the forms, methods, and means of organizing scientific and pedagogical activities. One way to solve this problem is to use electronic open conferencing systems, actively spreading the concept of Open Source, the emergence of open Web-resources that facilitate the transition from traditional conferencing to synchronous electronic interaction of scientists during web conferencing.
The Best Way to PlanBoard Meeting Agenda
In the first years after the advent of the Internet, the term “web conferencing” meant communication on forums and mailing lists, i.e. communication in asynchronous mode. Web conferencing, which involves “one-way” speaker speech and minimal feedback from the audience, is called webinars. Web conferences are of great importance in the training of scientific and pedagogical staff, in particular highly qualified personnel.
Check the tips below to plan a board meeting agenda:
- The meeting should be led by a moderator. This could be a leader or an experienced facilitator. The main task of the moderator is to monitor the observance of the rules, the quality of the discussion, and the observance of the constructiveness of the dialogue.
- Shorten meeting times as much as possible. Compliance with the rules (moderator!) Will help you in this matter.
- Share responsibility. It is impossible for the presenter (leader) to make the opening speech himself, and talk about the results of the work, and approve the decisions, and manage the discussion. What then is the point of other people in a meeting? Designate a responsible moderator who knows the meeting attendees well and knows the business of the company.
- Avoid publicly judging or punishing employees in general meetings. Set aside time for these tasks to meet in person.
- Record key agreements. Start the next meeting by checking to see if the agreements of the previous meeting have been fulfilled. And only after that move on to the current work in the format.
- Instruct the moderator to prepare a meeting report and send it out to all participants the next morning.
- Be persistent! Setting up any process takes time.
By presenting the research results at the conference, the researcher thereby ensures the dissemination of certain information in certain circles of communication. In addition, he thereby confirms his belonging to these circles.